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Alderville First Nation is a thriving community that is rich in heritage and native culture. We have nature and heritage tours available throughout the year upon request. We have many tourist attractions for interested visitors including native crafts, Black Oak Savanna, Annual Pow-wow, Drum Socials, and our annual Boating Regatta.
We have approximately 300 members that live in Alderville, and another 650+ members that live outside of Alderville. We are located in South-Central Ontario, Canada. Alderville is intersected by County Road 45, and is located on the south side of Rice Lake, Ontario, approximately 30km north of Cobourg. The reserve boasts some very talented and highly educated members, including artists, small business owners, entrepreneurs and quality leadership. Approximately 1/3 of the adult resident population works on-reserve. Some as self-owned businesses employing others. For a complete list of small businesses in the Alderville area, please consult the Local Business Directory section of our website or call the Economic Development Office at 905-352-3044.
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